Your Entire Revenue Story—At a Glance

Get the complete picture of your revenue—past, present, and future—all in one place. With RevOper, see historical trends, understand real-time deal progress, and forecast what’s next. Identify risks and opportunities at every stage of your pipeline, so you can act with confidence

You can’t hit numbers without the right kind of pipeline and we know not all pipeline is of equal value. RevOper gives you the unique ability to see in detail what the quality of your pipeline is, how and what type of pipeline are you most likely for you to close. 
Planr gives you insights like; 
Harness the predictive prowess of AI to give a data driven view based on your data as to what bookings are going to be. Our algorithms analyze both historical data and current trends to deliver an objective view on quarterly and annual sales projections. 

RevOper automatically calculates and breaks down your conversion rates over the past 12 months by product, person, lead source, sales process stage, and location. At a glance, monitor the progress of deals through each stage of the sales cycle, pinpointing where deals falter or flourish.

This granular insight allows you to identify critical stages where deals are typically lost, enabling you to refine your sales process strategically. By understanding these patterns, you can enhance your sales efficiency and increase your closure rate, ensuring every step in your pipeline is optimized for success.

Deep objective AI driven insights on deals allows you to identify critical stages where deals are typically won or lost, for example time at stage, pipeline source, number of slips/pushes or deal size by rep/product type etc. By understanding these patterns, you can get out in-front of issues with deals and enhance your closure rates.

We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.
George S. Patton

Revoper allows sales leaders to see things which typically are hard to see;

Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.
Geoffrey Moore

Revoper’s intelligent data cloud is just that, a place to bring all of your sales data together which intelligently starts to serve up insights and metrics. However there will always be things that you want to find out or dashboard that you want to create. Revoper gives you the ability to;

You don’t need to be in SaaS to get value from RevOper, but for those who are, we’ve got you covered. RevOper comes with a full suite of 220 SaaS metrics, ready to deploy right out of the box. Whether you’re tracking MRR, churn, CAC, or LTV, our platform gives you real-time insights into the metrics that matter most.

No complex setup, no endless configuration—just instant access to the data that drives your growth.

Supercharge Your Revenue Growth With AI

Get the complete picture of your revenue—past, present, and future—all in one place.
Our AI doesn’t just report; it prescribes the next move to drive revenue, giving you a competitive edge at every step.

Tailored For Every Leader In Your Organization

RevOper is the tool for teams struggling with disjointed CRM insights that fall short in providing a complete picture on sales performance. Within 1 hour, get instant access to an unbiased, intelligent view of predicted revenue against future targets, with proven 96% accuracy.

Expose The Blind Spots
In Your CRM

Say goodbye to complex setups, fragmented data, and reactive decision-making. With RevOper, you get instant, seamless deployment and AI-driven insights that tell you exactly what to do next. 

Legacy Systems

AI-Driven Results, Trusted By The Industry's Best

Book Your Demo

Dive into a comprehensive suite of SaaS metrics right out of the box. No hidden fees, no gatekept features, just full throttle from day one.

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